пятница, 24 декабря 2010 г.

These are my students of 4th grade.They like to work on project"My Name Around the World"
They 22children:Aqil,Aisha,Gunay,Lala,Nazim,Narmin,Jaleh,Samir,Shamkhal,Fuad,Lale,Aishan,Lamiya,Mehemmedali,
Murad,Aysun,Sevinj and others.They love to paint different pictures.They cut lovely pieces of papers and wrote there their names.

2 комментария:

  1. Dear Aqil,Aisha,Gunay,Lala,Nazim,Narmin,Jaleh,Samir,Shamkhal,Fuad,Lale,Aishan,Lamiya,Mehemmedali,
    Murad,Aysun,Sevinj and all students from 4th Grade.
    Thank you for your nice works. I am happy that you participate in project My Name Around The word.
    Wish you success in future project works in iEARN.

    Pavle Tvaliashvili
    Project facilitator.
    Country coordinator

  2. Thank you very Much ,our dear Facilitator!
    We are happy to join to the Project "My Name Around The World"
